Your Pain is Real and You are not Alone
hi, I’m Eve Anette
Somatic Practitioner | Therapeutic Pain Specialist | Educator | Physical Therapist | Public Health Advocate
If you’ve found your way here, it’s likely because you’re seeking relief from chronic pain or persistent symptoms that haven’t responded to traditional treatments. Whether you’re exploring somatic practices or simply looking for a fresh approach, I’m here to help.
With 30 years of experience as a physical therapist, I’ve worked extensively with individuals to retrain muscular and nervous system responses. Over time, however, I began to notice that progress often plateaued when deeper, unseen factors weren’t addressed. This realization led me on a journey to explore how emotions, memories, and belief systems shape the body’s response to pain—and ultimately, to incorporate somatic techniques into my practice.
Eve holds a Master of Physical Therapy* from Hahnemann University, now known as Drexel University; and a Master of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University.
My Story
Like many of the clients I work with, my journey toward healing has been deeply personal.
After being diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer, I was forced to confront my own body’s story. As I reflected on my health history, I recognized a pattern—one diagnosis after another, each leaving me feeling stuck and frustrated. Then came the breakthrough: I realized I had been living in a constant state of chronic nervous system dysregulation, trapped in fight-or-flight mode for much of my life.
This insight changed everything. It led me to explore somatic practices, which offered tools not just to manage symptoms but to address their underlying causes.
Practice Foundations
Therapeutic Pain Specialist (TPS) Certification, Evidence in Motion
Somatic Experiencing (Advanced level), Somatic Experiencing Institute
Somatic Attachment Therapy Certification, The Embody Lab
*Disclaimer: While I am a licensed physical therapist, The Purpose of Pain with Eve Annette is not offering sessions in the capacity of physical therapy services and the sessions do not constitute medical treatment, diagnosis, or rehabilitation. Similarly, these sessions are not psychological counseling or talk therapy. Instead, they are guided explorations using somatic techniques and pain education, focused on helping you reconnect with your body and support your healing journey.

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