Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions about our services.
The time it takes to notice any changes will vary from person to person. Some people may find relief right away and others may take longer. It depends on what is being addressed.
Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body centered approach to healing that focuses on regulating the nervous system and resolving stress or trauma that may be stored in the body. In my practice, I integrate Somatic Experiencing with Pain science education to help you understand the connection between your brain, nervous system and chronic symptoms.
By learning how pain and other symptoms are influenced by the nervous system, you can start to see your symptoms in a new light. Somatic Experiencing then becomes a tool to gently guide your nervous system toward greater regulation, reducing the fight, flight, or freeze responses that may be keeping your symptoms stuck. This combination empowers you to feel more in control of your body and supports lasting relief and resilience. For more information: SE 101, Somatic Experiencing International
This work is designed to help you understand your body, symptoms, and nervous system on a deeper level. By combining the neuroscience education with somatic techniques, you’ll gain tools to regulate yor nervous system, reduce persistent symptoms, and build resilience. This process empowers you to move beyond your symptom and discomfort by addressing the patterns that keep symptoms persistent and developing a greater capacity for resilience and healing in your nervous system.
Initially, I recommend starting with one session to assess your needs and create a personalized plan. From there the frequency of our sessions will depend on your goals, prgress and comfort level. For most clients weekly sessions are recommended.

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